Nov 4, 2019
Legionellosis accounts for thousands of hospital admissions and many deaths. It has a 10% mortality rate for those infected and that rate goes up as high as 25% in a healthcare setting.
The good news is, it’s controllable. In fact, it’s largely an engineering problem that has known, low-tech controls.
Given the prevalence of the issue, the high mortality rate and increased risk in healthcare settings (especially in LTC), CMS now says that Hospitals must develop water management policies to prevent Legionnaires’ disease. They’re calling for hospitals to do a risk assessment, implement a water management program and specify testing protocols. The approach sounds like it would be in line with that of a good HIPAA or cyber-security program. That is, you must build a culture of control and manage the issue for the long haul.
On this episode, Dave Purkiss and Joseph Cotruvo tell you what Legionella is, how it can be controlled and why health systems should prioritize the issue. Most importantly, they’ll tell you about the standards, tools, and approaches that’ll help you implement a sound water management program, keep your patients safe, and avoid a non-compliance citation from CMS.
On this episode you’ll learn:
This episode originally aired on The #HCBiz Show on February 21, 2018.